Adobe MAX 2015 -- Adobe's premiere creative conference -- welcomed AAU Alumnus Weston Fuller to Los Angeles this month. Fuller was asked to illustrate the power of Photoshop Fix and Photoshop Mix -- Adobe’s new mobile apps -- to create a surreal, constructed environment of his signature style.
To meet the challenge, Fuller conceptualized a fantastical story in which explorers encounter an ice cave capable of supporting an undiscovered, adaptable species of butterflies. To pull it off, Fuller sourced images from Adobe Stock, then executed a shoot of models in similar lighting conditions.
First, Fuller cleaned his original image and adjusted the cave opening in PS FIX. He then imported the results to PS MIX, where he composited over 40 layers featuring, he says, “lots and lots of butterflies.”
Fuller finished with final touches in PS FIX, which meant shaping the explorer’s facial expression. This was made possible by the facial recognition tool -- one of the key components of the app.
Fuller capitalized on PS FIX's facial recognition tool to emphasize the explorer's facial expression.
Keep an eye out for an interview with Fuller on his process in Adobe’s Create magazine, to debut this fall.
More of Fuller’s work, including his project, The Barn, can be seen on